Isaiah Chapter 44 GW Bible Verse Images

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Isaiah 44:1 (GW)
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But now listen, my servant Jacob, Israel, whom I have chosen.

Isaiah 44:2 (GW)
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The Lord made you, formed you in the womb, and will help you. This is what the Lord says: Don’t be afraid, my servant Jacob, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen.

Isaiah 44:3 (GW)
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I will pour water on thirsty ground and rain on dry land. I will pour my Spirit on your offspring and my blessing on your descendants.

Isaiah 44:4 (GW)
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They will spring up with the grass as poplars spring up by streams.

Isaiah 44:5 (GW)
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One person will say, “I belong to the Lord.” Another will call on the name of Jacob. Another will write on his hand, “The Lord’s,” and he will adopt the name of Israel.

Isaiah 44:6 (GW)
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The Lord is Israel’s king and defender. He is the Lord of Armies. This is what the Lord says: I am the first and the last, and there is no God except me.

Isaiah 44:7 (GW)
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If there is anyone like me, let him say so. Let him tell me what happened when I established my people long ago. Then let him predict what will happen to them.

Isaiah 44:8 (GW)
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Don’t be terrified or afraid. Didn’t I make this known to you long ago? You are my witnesses. Is there any God except me? There is no other rock; I know of none.

Isaiah 44:9 (GW)
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All who make idols are nothing. Their precious treasures are worthless. Their own witnesses do not see or know anything, so they will be put to shame.

Isaiah 44:10 (GW)
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Nothing comes from making gods or casting metal idols.

Isaiah 44:11 (GW)
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Everyone associated with the gods will be put to shame. The craftsmen themselves are only human. Let them all get together and take their stand. They will be frightened and ashamed together.

Isaiah 44:12 (GW)
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Blacksmiths shape iron into tools. They work them over the coals and shape them with hammers, working them with their strong arms. They get hungry, and their strength fails. If they don’t drink water, they will faint.

Isaiah 44:13 (GW)
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Carpenters measure blocks of wood with chalk lines. They mark them with pens. They carve them with chisels and mark them with compasses. They carve them into forms of people, beautiful people, so the idols can live in shrines.

Isaiah 44:14 (GW)
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They cut down cedars for themselves. Then they choose fir trees or oaks. They let them grow strong among the trees in the forest. Then they plant cedars, and the rain makes them grow.

Isaiah 44:15 (GW)
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These trees become fuel for people to burn. So they take some of them and warm themselves with them. They start fires and bake bread. They also make gods from these trees and worship them. They make them into carved statues and bow in front of them.

Isaiah 44:16 (GW)
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Half of the wood they burn in the fire. Over this half they roast meat that they can eat until they are full. They also warm themselves and say, “Ah! We are warm. We can see the fire!”

Isaiah 44:17 (GW)
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But the rest of the wood they make into gods, carved statues. They bow to them and worship them. They pray to them, saying, “Rescue us, because you are our gods.”

Isaiah 44:18 (GW)
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They don’t know or understand anything. Their eyes are plastered shut, so they can’t see. And their minds are closed, so they can’t understand.

Isaiah 44:19 (GW)
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No one stops to think. No one has enough knowledge or understanding to say, “I burned half of the wood in the fire. I also baked bread over its coals. I roasted meat and ate it. Now I am making the rest of the wood into a disgusting thing and bowing to a block of wood.”

Isaiah 44:20 (GW)
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They eat ashes because they are deceived. Their own misguided minds lead them astray. They can’t rescue themselves or ask themselves, “Isn’t what I hold in my right hand a false god?”

Isaiah 44:21 (GW)
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Remember these things, Jacob: You are my servant, Israel. I formed you; you are my servant. Israel, I will not forget you.

Isaiah 44:22 (GW)
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I made your rebellious acts disappear like a thick cloud and your sins like the morning mist. Come back to me, because I have reclaimed you.

Isaiah 44:23 (GW)
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Sing with joy, you heavens, because the Lord has done this. Rejoice, you deep places of the earth. Break into shouts of joy, you mountains, you forests and every tree in them. The Lord has reclaimed Jacob. He will display his glory in Israel.

Isaiah 44:24 (GW)
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The Lord reclaimed you. He formed you in the womb. This is what the Lord says: I, the Lord, made everything. I stretched out the heavens by myself. I spread out the earth all alone.

Isaiah 44:25 (GW)
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I cause the signs of false prophets to fail and make fools of fortunetellers. I make wise men retreat and turn their knowledge into foolishness.

Isaiah 44:26 (GW)
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He confirms the word of his servant and fulfills the plan of his messengers. He says about Jerusalem, “It will be inhabited.” He says about the cities of Judah, “They will be rebuilt.” He says about their ruins, “I will restore them.”

Isaiah 44:27 (GW)
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He says to the deep water, “Dry up.” So I will dry up your rivers.

Isaiah 44:28 (GW)
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He says about Cyrus, “He is my shepherd. He will do everything I want him to do.” He says about Jerusalem, “It will be rebuilt.” He says about the temple, “Your foundation will be laid.”
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Available Bible Translations

American Standard Version (ASV)
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King James Version (KJV)
Isaiah 44 (KJV) »
Berean Bible (BSB)
Isaiah 44 (BSB) »
World English Bible (WEB)
Isaiah 44 (WEB) »
French Bible (LSG)
Ésaïe 44 (LSG) »
German Bible (LUTH1912)
Jesaja 44 (LUTH1912) »
Marathi Bible (MARIRV)
यशया 44 (MARIRV) »
Telugu Bible (TELIRV)
యెషయా 44 (TELIRV) »
Gujarati Bible (GUJIRV)
યશાયા 44 (GUJIRV) »
Hebrew Bible (HEB)
ישעיה 44 (HEB) »
Portuguese Bible (BSL)
Isaías 44 (BSL) »
Vietnamese Bible (VIE)
I-sai-a 44 (VIE) »
Spanish Bible (RVA)
Isaías 44 (RVA) »
Italian Bible (RIV)
Isaia 44 (RIV) »
Chinese Simplified (CUVS)
以 赛 亚 书 44 (CUVS) »
Chinese Traditional (CUVT)
以 賽 亞 書 44 (CUVT) »
Albanian Bible (ALB)
Isaia 44 (ALB) »
Swedish Bible (SV1917)
Jesaja 44 (SV1917) »
Russian Bible (RUSV)
Исаия 44 (RUSV) »
Ukrainian Bible (UKR)
Ісая 44 (UKR) »
Hungarian Bible (KAR)
Ézsaiás 44 (KAR) »
Bulgarian Bible (BULG)
Исая 44 (BULG) »
Japanese Bible (JPN)
イザヤ書 44 (JPN) »
Norwegian Bible (NORSK)
Jesaja 44 (NORSK) »

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